Page 339 - Highway at Millersplace near Pond defined.

Whereas a road used as a highway in the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk leading through the Village of Millersplace was laid out by the commissioners of Highways of the said Town on the 10th of May 1728 as recorded in Brookhaven Town Record Book C. page 101--but not sufficiently described: Now therefore the undersigned commissioners of Highways of the said Town, all the commissioners have been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met at the house of Joseph R. Rowland in the said Town--on the application of Jeremiah Rowland for the purpose of causing a part of said road at Millersplace to be ascertained, described and entered of Record in the Town clerk's office, and having caused a survey of the said road to be made, do order that the said road and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said survey, beginning at where the Southeast corner-post of the yard of the Woodhull Place (recently purchased by Joseph R. Rowland) near the old Store now stands, which point bears from the Southeast corner of the large part of the Woodhull house South 50 1/2 degrees East l (one) chain 52 links, and running from said point or starting place North 78 degrees West 2 chains 41 links until it intersects the fence on the South side of the Lot of John M. Brown, and leaving the Highway Four Rods in width on the north of the Pond lying in the open way South of the said Woodhull house now belonging to Joseph R. Rowland that being the width of the highway as recorded in said Book C. page 101 in 1728.

Dated Brookhaven Oct 31st 1867

Rob't R. Smith
John R. Mather
Commissioners of Highways