Letter from William H. H. Moore to Jeremiah Moore Esq. - Feb 11 1836

Millers place Feb 11, 1836

Dear Father

I received your letter to day was glad to see it. I shallnt need A another Cap this winter because Charles has sent me A new fir Cap which keeps my ears very warm and I think the Jeremiah would like to have such A one becaue it keeps my head and ears warm. I have begun the latin reader and have got nearly A page. I have begun through the latin gramer twice and through Colburns Small Arithmetic once. I saw Capt Clak and Eben go by here one or two weeks ago with his grey horses. Mr Helmes lost the largest heifer he had in his yard by Slipping down on the ice. Cousin H. Woodhul also lost a Cow A Short time Since. Mr. Woodhul keeps growing feebler all the time and they think that he will not hold out long. I have ruled this letter very f.... because I had nothing to rule it with but A book. I suppose that you have heard of the fire in Riverhead. I dont know as I have any thing more to write.

Yours Affectionately etc
William H. H. Moore

To: Jeremiah Moore, Esq.