Letter from William H. H. Moore to Jeremiah Moore - Dec 1st 1835

Millers place December 1, 1835

Dear father

I have not received A letter since you Wrote about that Smack beting lost. I have escpected one every time the stage has come along. I hope you will write soon. I have nothing to write escecpt that I have Spoke once upon the stage and am going to hand in it composition to night. Mr Woodhul is about the same. I wrote this letter by candle light. in the Morning we have a f(ire) up stairs to studdy our lessons by. there has b... a meting every night in the last week. I have been to meting every night in the week and got up in the morning to studdy my lesson. they have caught a great manny Deer in this place this year. I hope that when you kill hogs you will lett me know how much the weigh a peace and also let me know when the meeting house is dedicated and also let me know what is going in the place. I dont know as I have any thing else.

All well afectionately yours
William H H Moore