Letter from William H. H. Moore to Jeremiah Moore Esq. - May 20th 1835

Millers place May 20th 1835

Dear father

I received your letter Wednesday and would have answered it if I had time but I did not then I will now. I received a hat today and it suits me well and looks very well. That hat came to smithtown by the stage and Col Woodhul was up there brought it down here on Friday. Edmund S Phills has come here to board we have forty one Schollars in the Acdy. Mr Woodhul is about the same. you must not sell grey but I hope you will promfs for I never want to see him again. Mr Helmes thinks that he has got the finest two year old Colt in the County. I hope you will Catch plenty of fish this year. I dont know as I have any thing more to write.

Affectionately Yours
William H H Moore

To: Jeremiah Moore, Esq.
Green Port